Anna Ferkul

  • Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Biomedical Science (IGPBS)

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Anna Ferkul is a 2024-2025 Self Memorial Scholar pursuing a Ph.D. through the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences (IGPBS) program at KU Medical Center. Anna graduated with her Bachelor of Science in Microbiology and Minor in Psychology from the University of Kansas in 2024. During her time at KU Anna worked as an undergraduate research assistant in Dr. David Davido’s lab in the Molecular Biosciences department studying the role of PARP-14 in HSV-1 viral replication. Anna hopes to continue studying relevant diseases to today’s society during her Ph.D. and help improve treatment or prevention. After completing her Ph.D. she hopes to use her skills to continue sharing her love for science with others and continue furthering prevention and treatment of disease.