Carrie Lewis-Merritt
- Atmospheric Science
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Biography —
Carrie Lewis-Merritt is a 2023-2027 Self Graduate Fellow pursuing a Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science. Carrie is originally from a rural area south of the Kansas City metropolitan area and attended the University of Missouri-Kansas City for her bachelor's in Environmental Science with a minor in Mathematics. She obtained her Master's in Atmospheric Science from KU in 2022. Carrie's current and ongoing work explores precipitation characteristics and processes, such as moisture advection, in tropical easterly waves undergoing convective amplification and decay in different tropical regions. A primary objective of her work is to help improve model and forecast developer's understanding of the environmental conditions or genesis mechanisms that promote the development of these systems occurring across the global tropics, leading to improved short- and long-term forecasts. Carrie is especially passionate about education and mentorship. She aspires to be a university professor that is involved in mentoring first-generation college students in STEM. She hopes to become a strong advocate for other first-generation college students who struggle with imposter syndrome.
Mentor: Bing Pu Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Atmospheric Science