Dan Mongovin

  • Geology

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Dan Mongovin is a 2023-2027 Self Graduate Fellow pursuing a Ph.D. in Geology. He received a B.Sc. (2018) in Geology from Central Washington University and an M.Sc. (2022) in Geology from the University of Kansas. A native of Washington State, Dan has always been interested in the Geological Sciences. His research interests include using earthquake geology, neotectonics, remote sensing GIS and field work to address large-scale tectonic problems. His dissertation will be focused on understanding the history of surface uplift and thrust system development in the Himalayan Mountain Belt through the study of the evolution of river systems that flow through the largest mountains in the world. Following his doctoral study, Dan plans to continue in research/academia pursuing post-doctoral or research geologist positions in the federal government or academic institutions. 

Mentor: Michael Taylor, Ph.D., Professor, Geology