Grahmm Funk

  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry

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Grahmm Funk is a 2022-2026 Self Graduate Fellow pursuing a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the University of Kansas in the Kim Research Group. He holds B.S. degrees in both Biological Sciences and Chemistry from the University of Missouri (2014). Prior to joining the department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, he worked for the Orthopedic Research and Education Center at the University of Kansas Medical Center, with his research focused on drug delivery from orthopedic biomaterials. His passion for drug design and delivery led him to the Kim Lab where he is currently working on the discovery and formulation of small molecule and biologic compounds for oral delivery in immunomodulatory therapy. Currently, the research focuses on formulation of an oral vaccine to treat gastrointestinal diseases and autoimmune disorders such as Ulcerative Colitis. Grahmm is also passionate about the promotion of STEM careers and increasing public scientific literacy. Alongside his Ph.D. work, he plans to engage in community outreach as a tool to help inspire students at the high school and undergraduate levels to pursue STEM careers.

Mentor: Dr. Hyunjoon Kim, Assistant Professor, Pharmaceutical Chemistry.