Megan Wittman

- Environmental and Water Resources Engineering
Contact Info
Biography —
Megan Wittman is a 2021-2025 Self Graduate Fellow pursuing a Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering. Originally from Central Illinois (Bloomington, IL), Wittman graduated with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering with an Environmental Engineering emphasis from the University of Kansas. She pursued undergraduate research, deepening her understanding of urban water sustainability and resource recovery beyond the classroom at KU and in collaboration with ReNUWIt, an interdisciplinary multi-institution engineering research center. She investigates microbial and kinetic mechanisms in nutrient removal, with the goal of ultimately lowering energy usage by wastewater treatment plants. Wittman is passionate about making data accessible and understandable to empower communities with sustainable water technologies.
Mentor: Belinda M.S. Sturm, Ph.D. Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, Professor of Civil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering